Sunday, January 15, 2017

Wanderlust #21DayYogaChallenge Day 7: Twist it Up

Poses Learned:

  • Modified Revolving Extended Side Angle (Parvritti Parsvakonasana)(AVOID)
  • Revolving Chair (Parvritti Utkatasana)
  • Reclining Spinal Twist (Supta Matseyandrasana)(

Class Length: 22:27


  • Benefits of Yoga: Daily Detox
  • badddddd day.

Wanderlust #21DayYogaChallenge Day 6: Firey Disapline

Poses Learned:

  1. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
  2. High Lunge / Crescent Lunge
  3. Intense Side Stretch or Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)

Class Length: 21:45


  • Survived Week 1 !! YAY!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Wanderlust #21DayYogaChallenge Day 5: Open to Balance

Poses Learned:
  1. Standing Ankle to Knee & Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
  2. Pigeon Pose (Rajakapotasana)
  3. Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)
Benefits of Yoga:

Class Length: 21:45


  • Began to incorporate all 9 poses thus far into one movement
  • Bought mat and cute yoga pants! Still need blocks!
  • transitions-rounding and hinging to standing
  • 5 and hip opening are two of Schuyler's favorite things
  • Piegon pose=AMAZING

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wanderlust #21DayYogaChallenge Day 4: Yoga as Pain Relief

Poses Learned:
  1. Half Wheel Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
  2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
  3. Knees-Chest-Chin (Ashtangasana)
  1. Ujjayi breathing
  2. Breath work
Benefits of Yoga:

Class Length: 19:10


  • Need Blocks
  • Doing lessons 1-2-3 again and then doing lesson 4 all at once was really dumb. Your lower back is killing you. #thatawkwardmomentwhen today's lesson is Yoga as Pain Relief and you're in
  • Started vinyassas! 

Wanderlust #21DayYogaChallenge Day 3: Connecting Body & Breath

Poses Learned:
  1. Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)
  2. Cow Pose (Bitilasana)
  3. Child's Pose (Balasana)
Benefits of Yoga:
  1. Moving with Breath-conscious awareness.

Class Length: 19:10


  • Began to incorporate all 9 poses thus far into one movement
  • Bought mat and cute yoga pants! Still need blocks!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Wanderlust #21DayYogaChallenge Day 2: Bending an Stability

Recap from Day 1

Poses learned:
  1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
  2. Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)
  3. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  4. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Benefits of Yoga:
  1. Becoming to a state of presence. Mindfulness. Awareness to the body, mind, breath.

Poses learned:

  1. Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
  2. Crecent Lunge (Anjenayasana)
  3.  Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)

Benefits of Yoga:
  1. Stress Relief

Class Length:20:42

Feeling good! Did lesson 2, short break for a while, shoveled snow, then did lessons 1 & 2 in the evening. Back and shoulders sore currently. Balancing is off. keeping track of food and practice on as well. Go back to table top during downward facing dog if she holds it too long.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Wanderlust #21DayChallenge Day 1: Fundamentals of Yoga

I signed up for this challenge with Wanderlust Yoga, the whole "New Year, new me" idea.

I've tried yoga and mediation in the past with it not clicking and sticking to it daily or even consistently.

I tried to "replace" yoga with meditation, then Zumba while in college. Zumba was fun, but there was still something missing.  Mediation I couldn't really get into the groove of.

I took a break from exercising pretty much completely for a long time (tooo long. Other than walking the dog, and day-to-day activities...nothing).

Then this challenge popped up-I figured what the hell, why not? I'd always wanted to take a class with Schuyler here was my opportunity!

I tried it, expecting the basics of basic yoga taught step by step.

Yup. Exactly what I thought it would be..

Compared to previous yoga and meditation experiences this was a HUGE difference! It was some kind of spiritual experience I've been seeking for YEARS.

Was it semi-painful since I'm not used to some of the movements? Yup.
Was it totally worth it?

Hell. Yes.

Will I probably be in even more pain tomorrow?


Am I totally insane?


As for the program itself-there were a few minor technical glitches, but it was only day 1. Time and continuum will work those kinks out. While there were technical glitches, I downloaded a yoga app for when the program is completed to continue practicing while some of the kinks were worked ou on wanderlustt.

Pain wise, I feel it mainly in my shoulders. Probalby 'cause I'm not doing downward facing dog right...

I found myself correcting and flossing my shoulders afterwards, subconsciously.

Poses learned:
  1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
  2. Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)
  3. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  4. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Class length: 20:20

Benefits of Yoga:

  1. Becoming to a state of presence. Mindfulness. Awareness to the body, mind, breath.

Note: purchase a beginner's yoga kit with mat, blocks, and strap once you have money. Maybe even purchase this program at the end if the funds are there.